Or natif / Quartz - Mine de Brusson, Val D'Aoste , Italie
size :3.5x2x1.5Reference : 0003
size :3.5x2x1.5Reference : 0003
size :5x3x3Reference : 0011
Very nice calcite with overgrowths and inclusions, from Malaga, Spain7,5 x 8 cm.Reference : 0347
Excellent specimen of Spondylus truncatus from the Santonian of Saujon, Charente Maritime, France7 cm.Reference : 0348
Excellent Cheirothyris fleuriausa from the oxfordian of Charente Maritime, France -Top quality and maximum size !1,8 cm.Reference : 0350
Rare ophiur Geocoma sp from the kimmeridgian of Ile de Ré (fossil 35 mm on plate 70 x 80 mm)3,5 cm.Reference : 0351
Very original small piece with yellow mimetite, cerussite and a light dusting of duftite, from Tsumeb, Namibia,6,2 cm.Reference : 0352
Olivenite plate from the Cap Garonne mine, Var (85 x 60 x 17 mm)7,5 cm.Reference : 0353
Echinoderm Cystoides : Holocystites scutellatus from the Silurian of Indiana, USA3,3 cm.Reference : 0354
Large calcite from the Mervent quarry in Vendée, France. Discovered in the 1980's, excellent condition,16 x 12 cm.Reference : 0358
Rachiosoma delamarrei from the Senonian of Tunisia, not very frequent2,5 cm.Reference : 0359
Rare Auloclypeus michelini from the Bathonian of Argentan, Orne (on natural gangue)3,3 cm.Reference : 0360
Excellent Arnaudaster nanclasi from the lower Santonian of Angoulême, Charente, France4,9 cm.Reference : 0361
Amaltheus gibbosus from the toarcian of Aveyron4,2 cm.Reference : 0362
Oistoceras figulinum from the Domerian of Cher (work at the end of the 80s)3,5 cm.Reference : 0363
Nice little Garantiana garantiana from the Bajocian of Chantonnay, Vendée (ammonite only : 24 mm, clear on both sides)4 cm.Reference : 0368
Nice colorless fluorite crystallized on massive green fluorite from the Beix mine, Puy de Dôme, France. Nice brightness. 11 x 6 x 3,5 cm. Reference : 0309-RuFo
Large plate from the upper Miocene of Cueno in Italy with 8 larvae of Libellula doris, old piece from the 1970's, now unobtainable (very thin plate reinforced on the back) 25 x 15 cm. Reference : 0310-RuFo
Nice plate with about ten brittle stars Ophiopinna elegans from the Callovian of La Voulte, Ardèche, France (with on the back, 6 other brittle stars) 10 x 6,5 x 3 cm. Reference : 0311-RuFo
superb small quartz on dolomite from Luzenac, Ariège (crystal 30 mm) 4,8 cm. Reference : 0314-RuFo
Spathites reveliereanus from the lower turonian near Saintes, Charente Maritime, France (rare) 9,6 cm. Reference : 0315-RuFo
Extraordinary fossilized Pseudocidaris mammosa with its radioles connected. This piece was embedded in a pebble from which only a single prickle appeared. A long and meticulous work of preparation finally allowed to take out this superb piece. 16 X 13 X 5 cm. Reference : 0316-RuFo