Welcome to our website whih gathers every month between 10-20 professional exhibitors in minerals, fossiles and jewels :)

It is a "showcase" site : to buy an object, you just have to contact directly the seller via his coordonates at the bottom of each product sheet.

You can also find us in "live" at the event date on our Facebook group => https://www.facebook.com/groups/3477478472269457

Let's meet again for our next session 2024 November 2, 3 :)

Discover below the exhibitors of 2024 October 5, 6 edition :

Au Bon Filon - Guillaume Mazankiewicz
Barras-Gautier Minéraux
Christophe Despierres
Claude Carrio
DG Minéraux - David Gouyon
JM-Import - Mickaël & Jonathan
Lapidem & Co
La Cristallière
La Mine 2 Tout - Marie & Alex
MinerAlp - Eddie Bonesotto
SZ-Minéraux - Cédric & Mathilde Sonney
Vivien Leydet

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