Sidérite verte en pétales - La Mure, Isère, France.
Petals siderite with a little calcite surface. Typical Mure.8 x 7 x 4 cmReference : 0293
Baryte, Sphalerite - Les Cèdres, Saint Laurent Le Minier - 30
Beautiful little tassel perched on its matrix.2 x 3 x 1,7 cmReference : 0541
Turquoise - Echassières, Allier, France
Kidney showing areas rich in turquoise with a scoriaceous appearance. A small nodule of 1cm shows a rather pronounced hue.6 x 5 x 3 cm0088-ABF
Smoky quartz, siderite and albite - Argentiere, Mont Blanc massif, France.
Smoky quartz very bright and clear associated with albites and siderite. Personal Harvest 2020.6 x 5 x 4 cm0008-CD
Amethyst Druzy - Brazil
Natural druzy Amethyst - 2,409 kg22.5 x 12.8 x 9 cmReference : 0066
Barite on matrix - Saint-Laurent le Minier, Gard, France
Barite sprinkled with bournonite on a thin layer of quartz accompanied by sphalerite and bournonite.9,5 x 9 x 5 cm0010-SPAA
Superb sample of Wulfenite bipyramidal crystallization from the Ojuela mine, the crystals are present on all sides of the specimen.9 x 7 x 5 cmReference : 0188
Marcasite Sperkise - Cap Blanc Nez, Pas-de-Calais
Set of large crystals of pyrite marcasite sperkise on gold in perfect conditions: very nice!5 x 4 x 4 cmReference : 0310
Tourmaline Fluorite incl. Spessartite garnet - Shigar Valley, Skardu District,...
Thumbnail this incredible Association, a schorlite with tourmaline crystal Fluorite, spessartite of garnets are included in the Fluorite to perfect all2,1 x 1,4 cmReference : 0117